Therapeutic & Regenerative Medicine


Stopping cartilage breakdown (catabolism) is the key to controlling osteoarthritis progression and clinical signs. Intra-articular cortisone is one of the best treatments for reducing or reversing breakdown of articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis will continue to progress, hopefully at a slower rate, but by improving cartilage health, we secondarily improve the comfort level of the joint. Hyaluronic acid aids in reducing the breakdown of cartilage and surrounding joint inflammation.

Diagnostic anesthesia and imaging is undertaken to ensure the correct joint and therapy is selected. A failure to respond to corticosteroid treatment may indicate progression of osteoarthritis beyond control with corticosteroids, lameness not attributed to the joint or amenable to corticosteroid treatment, or treatment of a joint not involved in the lameness.


PRP can be used to promote wound, bone healing, and ligament/tendon repair. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a component of blood which, after processing, concentrates the platelets into a limited volume allowing us to inject it into the desired are of the horse. Follow the link to learn more about PRP.


The irap®-therapy offers the opportunity to effectively treat lameness of your horse utilizing the body’s own healing mechanisms. It is an excellent non-cortisone therapy for joints and soft tissues and can be used for arthritis, traumatic soft tissue damage, and for post-surgical reduction of inflammation and adhesions. The irap®-therapy is based on the production of regenerative and anti-inflammatory proteins by the horse’s own blood cells. After processing, the resulting “Autologous Conditioned Serum” (ACS) is injected into the affected joint or inflamed tendon sheath. Three injections over a course of six weeks is recommended to achieve full effect. Follow the link to learn more about IRAP.


Stem Cell therapy is used in the treatment of tendon and ligament injuries, degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis), osteochondrosis (OCD), sub-chondral bone cysts, meniscal injuries, and fractures. Stem cells are derived from the horse’s own bone marrow. They contain a high yield of mesenchymal stem cells as well as many other regenerative cells that produce cytokines and growth factors. The stem cells are able to differentiate into multiple cell types and produce extracellular (structural) matrix.


Legend® (hyaluronate sodium) is a Health Canada approved I.V. and intra-articular therapy to treat equine non-infectious synovitis associated with osteoarthritis. It is a pure hyaluronate sodium, the same glycosaminoglycan present in normal joint fluid. It is produced by a patented biofermentation process, resulting in such purity that it can be given intravenously for immediate bioavailability. Hyaluronate sodium is proven to decrease inflammation and destructive enzymes associated with inflammation. Follow the link for more information on Legend.


Ospohos is an anti-osteoporosis drug used in human medicine for over 30 years. Osphos is for the treatment of horses diagnosed with navicular disease/caudal heel pain with minimal defects change within the deep digital flexor tendon. OSPHOS is administered via intramuscular injection and should be evenly spread over three injection sites. OSPHOS is the only FDA approved intramuscular bisphosphonate injection for the control of the clinical signs associated with navicular syndrome in horses.
