Sports Medicine

  Soundness of your horse is critical for your horse’s peak performance . Your horses comfort level influences their ability to perform as well as their trainability and quality of life. To this end, we offer an extensive lameness exam to identify and solve the issues that arise with a horse’s soundness. We offer a variety of therapies to treat lameness issues and to keep your horse competition-ready. The therapies offered will be tailored to the specific source of the lameness and will be offered based upon well-designed, well-conducted research using an evidence based medicine approach.


  • Rehabilitation and controlled return to work

  • Pain management offers various short to long term ways to manage your horse’s pain. 

  • Joint injections help “block” pain from a joint or deliver medications directly into the joint.

  • IRAP (interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein) therapy blocks inflammation in injuries to promote healing.

  • PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy delivers blood plasma and platelets to a wound to help it heal. Including; joints, bursae and soft tissue injuries.

  • Stem cell therapy takes stem cells and injects them into an injury to aid in healing, and can also help reduce inflammation.

  • Radiography helps diagnose conditions such as lameness by radiographing the horse’s foot or other systems, allowing the veterinarian to diagnose any abnormalities.

  • Ultrasounds help diagnose tendon, ligament, or other deep tissue ailments in horses. Visualizing the injury can assist in treatment and help us track the stages of healing.

  • Shockwave therapy uses powerful sound waves to promote the growth of bone cells and increase circulation to promote rapid healing after an injury.